Case study 3

Turning legacy into opportunity.

Objective: Regulatory Improvement

When the second largest US department store faced pressing regulatory and systems deadlines, they tasked Opal BPM to effect a transformation that would enable growth across their entire private label portfolio.

Driven by deadlines

Shackled to a legacy platform that lacked basic capabilities, our client needed a complete systems overhaul to help reinvigorate their private label portfolio across 2,000 US stores and multiple own brands. Two upcoming deadlines – the need to renew legacy tech, and respond to the 2020 US Nutrition Facts Panel Regulation – added to the desire for swift and effective change.

Meeting the challenge

Responding to the urgency of the project, we worked with speed and tenacity to implement the full Oracle Brand Compliance™ solution, putting in place a fully compliant system in less than 12 weeks. During implementation, and beyond into the operational phase, our client was backed by Opal Helpdesk support and our technical specialists on-site and in-market.

Everyday benefits, future compliance

The Oracle Brand Compliance™ solution is now delivering tangible everyday benefits across the retailer’s private label portfolio, enabling faster product launches with more effective use of minimal internal resources. 

Meanwhile, our fully compliant implementation, in line with the latest US regulatory framework, will enable safe and legal private label product launches for years to come. 

The Opal BPM solution

  • Bespoke Development

  • Consulting

  • Helpdesk

  • Opal Artwork

  • Oracle Brand Compliance™

  • Post Implementation